Friday, August 17, 2007

Baby Lisa Who???

I had quite a bit of trouble thinking of a blogger name. I was going to write my name backwards, but it may be way too obvious to the thinking human being. Then I was thinking of the nick-names various people in my life have called me. Again, they would be a dead giveaway to my identity. I can't explain why because then I would have to write them down to explain which would expose me in order to explain why I don't want to use them. Get it? Me neither.

Anyway, I was sitting here thinking of some names my children have made up for their stuffed animals. Two instantly came to mind. My daughter, at 5 years old, got a battery operated stuffed dog who looks like he's breathing peacefully while sleeping. Her name for him? Mexiphlegm. Don't ask why. She didn't even know why. My niece, at 11 years old objected to it greatly because of the 'phlegm' part. She said it was gross. I couldn't disagree, but I fully know that my daughter had no idea what phlegm was. Anyway, that name stuck, but it's too strange to print.

Another time, she named her stuffed bear 'Mommylo'. Cute, indeed, but strange. There was no rhyme or reason to the title. I think she just says the first thing that comes to mind. Again, it's just too strange a name to use.

Then I thought of it. She's 7 now, but when she was just three, we were looking for a name for our new small white MALE dog. The rest of us tried our best to be original. I came up with Rover, Killer, etc. My smart-a** husband came up with 'Kitty'. Of course he was vetoed. Then, my precious little girl out of nowhere came up with the idea of 'Baby Lisa'. Why? I don't know. But the name has become legend in our house. Luckily, the small white MALE dog was given a normal dog name by our son.

So here I am. I am neither a baby and my name is not Lisa. But it just seems fitting to use it. I KNOW I don't want to be known as 'Mexiphlegm'.

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