Sunday, January 18, 2009

Silence is Golden?

I think all the technology in the world has gotten out of hand.

The most affected by all of this, however, are the children. Never have I seen so few children playing outside or reading books. When we were young we were always outside on even the coldest winter days. Being in the house was not very fun especially when mom handed us a dustcloth or a load of laundry to separate. After our chores were done we'd head outside.

In our neighborhood there is a park right down the street. Only on the warm and sunny days will it brim with children and their parents. The only action I see from my house usually is adults with their ipods jogging down the streets.

It used to be that going to school on the bus was a great chance to chat with friends and even create a little mischief. The noise was way too loud and quite often the bus driver would have to stop the bus to yell at the crazy kids. This was a part of Americana that was so common for all of us.

Things have changed.

This Christmas, almost everyone in my son's 6th grade class got cell phones. I will never understand this. What could a 6th grader possibly need a cell phone for? I've always said that if I don't know where my kids are at all times, I have a problem. If they're at school I could call the main office in an emergency. If they're at sports, we have the coach's number if we need it. If they absolutely need to contact us while away, we let them borrow ours.

When I talk to my son's friends, they'll say 'If my mom needs to get in touch with me during school, she can text me'. Or 'If I'm at my friend's house, I can call my parents to pick me up'.

There are REAL phones at school and at people's houses for this purpose.

My son is constantly asked why HE doesn't have a cell phone. I just tell him to respond that he doesn't need one. Once recently, I was talking to my 14 year old niece about the subject. Now, this is a brilliant girl who is a typical teenager. I can't even argue too much about a 9th grader having a cell phone since she is at practices and school events quite often, but the logic is far from clear.

Me: Why do you need a cell phone?
Her: Well, I need to text my friends.
Me: Don't you see them at school?
Her: Yeah, but it's easier just to text them.
Me: What do you text about?
Her: Well, I'll say 'What's going on?' and they'll say 'not much; how about you?' and I'll tell them 'not much''.
Me: That sounds fascinating, but why don't you just talk to them?
Her: I don't know.
Me: You know, someday they might invent a cellular phone that you could actually TALK into. Wouldn't that be cool?
Her: (Dead silence, along with the 'very funny, Auntie' look)

Anyway back to the bus.

One day I asked my son who he talks to on the bus.

"Well, everyone is so busy texting that it's very quiet. No one talks anymore"

How sad.


Anonymous said...

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Baby Lisa said...

I know everyone has cellphones these days.